#Step 1: Search for downloadable file.
Open your browser and search for Oracle Database download, most likely it will be the first result.

#Step 2: select Oracle Database version to download.
You have to be sure that your windows version is matching the downloaded on (64 bit or 32 bit),
if you don’t know go press windows button and type system and check for your system type,

#Step 3: Login to your Oracle account or / Create Oracle Account – to download oracle database setup files.
You will be asked to type your oracle username and password, if you don’t have one click create account to create one.

Create new account if you haven’t one.

#Step 4: Extract the downloaded file to c: or d: driver.
This step will take some time so please be patient until all files are extracted.
be sure that you extract these files direct to your C or D driver.
Downloading it on desktop can causing some issues.

#Step 5: Run setup file.

#Step 6: Create and configure a single instance database.

#Step 7: Type windows password or / Create new windows user for oracle DB.
Select use virtual account and click next.
if it doesn’t work for any reason you have other alternative options like use existing windows
user or ever create new windows user during the setup, but the recommendation here is
selecting the first option use virtual account
#Step 8: Set location for installation for oracle home and set DB name.
You have to choose complex password in order to complete your setup, and setting your oracle home location.

Pay attention to container name, in this case we name it orclpdb.
Oracle will check for perquisitions to complete setup.

#Step 9: Adjust some configurations if required then press Install.
On this step you will be able to edit any previews selection if required.
Press Install to complete installation.

#Step 10: login to oracle database.
now you database is installed and ready for your first connection.
to connect to database press window and search for sqlplus then press enter.

Type sys / as sysdba then press enter.

If you need to change password run this command.
alter user sys identified by abc;

If you need to connect using Oracle Sql developer, you have fist to download it thought this link

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