Follow these steps to uninstall Oracle 21c from Windows:
- Navigate to the Oracle database file used during installation and execute the setup again.
- The setup will recognize the presence of Oracle 21c on your machine and prompt you to uninstall it.
- After completing the uninstallation process, verify the system’s advanced system settings. To do this, go to “My Computer,” right-click, select “Properties,” click on “Environment Variables,” and then check if any Oracle values still remain in the “Path” variable.
- Open the registry editor and locate “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” > “Software” > “Oracle.” Delete any remaining Oracle values.
- Still in the registry editor, navigate to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” > “System” > “CurrentControlSet” > “Services,” and search for any Oracle values. If they exist, remove them.
- Proceed to the Oracle Home – App folder and delete it.
- Finally, browse to “C:\Program Files” and ensure that no Oracle folders remain.
By following these steps, you can successfully uninstall Oracle 21c from your Windows system.
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