By typing the password incorrect many times user may locked due to security reasons,
You may get the error ORA-28000 The account is locked while trying to login to database.
Unlock oracle user in easy, to fix it follow the below steps:
Option 1:
Open sqlplus or sqldeveloper connect sys as sysdba, and run the below command:
Alter user youruser account unlock;
On the following example we are unlocking a system user which locked due to typing incorrect password many times, in addition if you need to change the password add the option identified by newpassowrd to change password while unlock the user.
Option 2:
You have also another alternative option like unlock user from Sql developer.
To do that open Sql developer connect as sysdba, on the left side under users open the users list and
select the user you need to unlock, right click and select edit user.
On edit user screen uncheck checkbox account is locked and press apply.
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